Driving Offences
Driving Offences Lawyer in Edmonton, AB
Although driving offences don’t generally incur criminal charges, that doesn’t mean that there are no consequences for you. In some cases, driving offences become criminal offences, but such cases typically involve very serious cases causing bodily harm or death.
It can be challenging to know at what point it’s best to contact a lawyer when you’re faced with a traffic ticket or criminal driving offence. Below, we’ll guide you through the situations in which it’s wise to hire a driving offences lawyer.
At RG Defence, experienced criminal defence lawyers believe that the best defence is a strong defence – and that’s what you can expect when you choose us to protect your interests. Our committed team will guide you through the legal process and provide you with strong legal representation every step of the way.
We are experienced in our field; our extensive legal knowledge and years of experience ensure that you are in good hands.
Serious Driving Offences in Alberta
Not all driving offences are prosecuted under the Traffic Safety Act (Alberta). Many serious traffic violations can result in criminal charges, leading to a criminal record and jail time.
Driving offences such as dangerous driving causing bodily harm or death, or impaired driving causing bodily harm or death, will often result in criminal charges carrying significant punishment, including and up to life imprisonment. Even violations of lesser severity can still result in criminal prosecution and jail time, depending on the gravity of the offence and the consequences of the driving pattern.
Below, you’ll find a comprehensive list of serious driving offences that can lead to criminal prosecution, jail time and even life imprisonment.
- Impaired driving or operation of a motor vehicle while impaired
- Dangerous driving or dangerous operation of a motor vehicle
- Failure to stop after an accident
- Operation of a motor vehicle while prohibited
- Flight from a peace officer or evading police
Driving Tickets in Alberta
When it comes to lower-end driving offences, there are two types of tickets you can receive: Part 3 Tickets (Yellow Tickets) and Part 2 Tickets (Red Tickets). Each ticket type has different consequences.
If you receive a yellow ticket, the fine amount is usually stated on the ticket; this is called a specified penalty. Absent from the ticket will be the demerits or insurance consequences of pleading guilty or being convicted. If you fail to appear in court on a yellow ticket, you will receive a conviction-in-absence. Being a no-show will result in the fine being levied against you, an additional surcharge, and most tickets will also incur demerits against your license. We recommend contacting our lawyers to discuss the consequences of these tickets. Our lawyers have extensive experience navigating the convoluted Demerit Point regulations in Alberta and elsewhere.
If you receive a red ticket, your presence in court is mandatory. Unlike yellow tickets, red tickets do not specify the fine on the ticket. Fines for these tickets can be as high as $2,000.00 and will almost always include additional consequences via demerits and/or automatic license suspensions.
It is crucial that you attend court for your red ticket, preferably with experienced counsel on your behalf. Failure to appear can result in a warrant being issued for your arrest.
When to Hire a Driving Offences Lawyer
It is highly advisable to seek the assistance of an experienced driving offences lawyer.
At RG Defence, our criminal defence lawyers are here to serve you. We’re available to help 24/7 with all your legal needs. We offer a free consultation to discuss your case and provide the guidance you need.
Call us at 587-982-8152 or complete our online contact form to schedule an appointment.
If you have been accused of a driving offence, our driving offences lawyer can help you stay on the road.
Contact RG Defence Lawyers immediately.