Property Offences

Property Offences Lawyer in Edmonton, AB

Property-related offences are some of the most common charges in Canada and can happen to anyone. But they don’t have to ruin your life.

At RG Defence, we know that sometimes, bad things happen to good people who are in times of difficulty. When they do, you need a team of experienced property offence lawyers who can help you present the best possible defence, including:

  •     Lack of mental intent
  •     You mistakenly believed the “stolen” item was lent or sold to you
  •     Possession rights 

Learn more about the different property-related charges under the Criminal Code of Canada and how our Edmonton lawyers can help you achieve the best possible outcome.

Criminal Defence

Property Offences Lawyer in Edmonton, AB

Property-related offences are some of the most common charges in Canada and can happen to anyone. But they don’t have to ruin your life.

At RG Defence, we know that sometimes, bad things happen to good people who are in times of difficulty. When they do, you need a team of experienced property offence lawyers who can help you present the best possible defence, including:

  •     Lack of mental intent
  •     You mistakenly believed the “stolen” item was lent or sold to you
  •     Possession rights 

Learn more about the different property-related charges under the Criminal Code of Canada and how our Edmonton lawyers can help you achieve the best possible outcome.

What Is a Property Offence?

Property offences include any kind of criminal activity related to property belonging to someone besides yourself. Under the Criminal Code of Canada, a person can face numerous types of property-related charges.

While generally perceived as ‘lower-end’ offences, the frequency and nuisance associated with property-related offences have caused courts to crack down. Thus, it is not uncommon for property-related violations to result in jail time or strict probation orders with curfew conditions.

Below, we define some of the most common property-related charges in Canada and explain the penalties for each one.

Trespassing refers to the crime of loitering or prowling on the property of another person without a lawful excuse. In Alberta, the penalties for trespassing are steep, and a charge can lead to a $10,000 fine for a first offence, a $25,000 fine for subsequent violations and even up to six months in prison.

Vandalism and Damage to Property

In Canada, the act of vandalism falls under the charge of mischief and is defined as:

  • Destroying or damaging property; and/or.
  • Damaging property in a way that renders it useless, inoperative or ineffective.

The penalty for vandalism is based on the value of what was vandalized or damaged. For property valued below $5,000.00, you could be looking at up to two years in jail, hefty fines and/or probation. The maximum sentence for damaging any property value higher than $5,000.00 is 10 years in prison.

Don’t Plead Guilty Before Contacting Our Edmonton Property Offence Lawyers

If you have been charged with a property-related offence, you may feel overwhelmed and believe that pleading guilty is your only option. That is far from the truth. 

At RG Defence, we believe that the best defence is a good defence. Our lawyers have extensive experience representing clients charged with property-related crimes and know how to build a strong defence to help you obtain the best possible outcome.

No matter the charge, we will use our extensive legal knowledge and experience dealing with Alberta prosecutors to protect your future. Whether it’s no jail time, a reduced sentence, a small fine or a complete acquittal, we will work in your best interests.

Call us at 587.982.8152 or complete our contact form to set up a meeting with our Edmonton criminal defence lawyers so we can get to work on your case.

If you have been accused of a property or mischief offence, contact one of our property offences lawyers.
Don’t plead guilty. Contact our team of Edmonton Criminal Defence Lawyers.

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